Dental Hygienist Schools in Wisconsin

Dental Hygienist Schools in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Dental Hygiene Programs

If you are ready to take the next step on your journey to becoming a licensed dental hygienist in the state of Wisconsin, then it is time for you to select an accredited program of study from the list of schools below. We have included contact information for each of these programs. Make sure that you shop around and choose a program which will fit your needs. Good luck on your educational journey; you should have a bright future ahead of you practicing dental hygiene in Wisconsin!

Chippewa Valley Technical College620 West Clairemont Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Fox Valley Technical College1825 N. Bluemound Drive, Box 2277
Appleton, WI 54912
Madison Area Technical College1705 Hoffman Street
Madison, WI 53704
Milwaukee Area Technical College700 W. State St.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Northcentral Technical College1000 W. Campus Drive
Wausau, WI 54401
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College2740 W. Mason St. - P.O. Box 19042
Green Bay, WI 54307
Waukesha County Technical College800 Main Street
Pewaukee, WI 53072

License Requirements

Your next question probably concerns how you can actually become a licensed dental hygienist in Wisconsin. Following are the requirements that you will need to satisfy:

  • As with all other states, you will be required to take and pass an accredited program in dental hygiene. You must complete your program of study within the state of Wisconsin.
  • Once you have graduated, you’ll need to take and pass the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination.
  • And what about additional clinical exams? There are a few of these, and they include the CITA, CRDTS, CDCA, SRTA, and WREB.
  • Wisconsin requires a CPR certification in order to be a dental hygienist.
  • Wisconsin does not offer a temporary license, a teacher license, or a retired/inactive license.
  • When you apply for your license, you will need to present official transcripts from high school and college, as well as your CPR certification. Furthermore, you may need to submit to a criminal background investigation. If the board finds any felonies or serious misdemeanors in your past, you may be denied a license to practice dental hygiene in Wisconsin.

Dental Hygienist Salary in Wisconsin

If you are thinking seriously about becoming a dental hygienist in Wisconsin, you will want to know exactly how much money you can expect to make. First, let’s talk about how much money dental hygienist make throughout the United States. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), dental hygienists nationwide make a median annual salary of $70,210 per year, which comes out to $33.75 per hour.

In the state of Wisconsin, you can expect to make slightly less. The median annual salary for dental hygienists in the state is $66,180, which is the same as making $31.82 per hour. You should not let this discourage you too much, because the cost of living in Wisconsin is not as high as it is in some states where dental hygienists are paid more.

Next, you are probably wondering what kind of demand there is for this occupation. This is actually something to be excited about. Few occupations are growing as swiftly as this one. The BLS reports that the field of dental hygiene is growing at an astounding rate of 20%. As Wisconsin is highly populated state, there is plenty of demand for your future profession.

Area NameEmploymentHourly mean wageAnnual mean wage
Eau Claire180$33.21$69,080
Fond du Lac60$33.33$69,340
Green Bay360$31.60$65,720
Janesville, Beloit90$33.41$69,490
La Crosse, Onalaska160$32.70$68,020
Milwaukee, Waukesha, West Allis1170$30.92$64,310
Northeastern Wisconsin nonmetropolitan area370$29.40$61,140
Northwestern Wisconsin nonmetropolitan area90$32.99$68,610
Oshkosh, Neenah120$26.19$54,480
South Central Wisconsin nonmetropolitan area330$34.51$71,790
Western Wisconsin nonmetropolitan area250$32.95$68,530

Living in Wisconsin

When you think of the Midwest, odds are that one of the first states that spring to mind is Wisconsin. Wisconsin is the 20th most populous state in the US, known for its agriculture and dairy. In fact, the state’s nickname is “America’s Dairyland.”

The first things you’ll notice about Wisconsin are a lot of fields, cows, and silos. But do not make the mistake of thinking that is all there is. Exciting landmarks include the Wisconsin Dells, the majestic State Capital building in Madison, and botanical gardens in both Madison and Milwaukee. If you are a sports fan, the Green Bay Packers and the Milwaukee Brewers call Wisconsin home. College sports teams are popular as well, especially the Wisconsin Badgers.

About Ansar Ullah

My dream was always to become a medical doctor. However, I could not afford to study medicine so I became a writer.
Here I write about dentistry and careers in the wider field of dentistry. I love to research about educational topics and what it takes to be come a dental hygienist or a dental assistant. I also love to learn more about other specializations in the field of oral science.